
whootwhoott . ASSALAMMUALAIKUM (;

title niyy nadd nk cyta psaii hanggout smalam . berrrgh , serius heppy gilaa siot !  (;
smlam unaa clebrate besday dea . tpy dkat kek tho dea tules untkk sumaa mmbe-II dea . wahh , terharuu naddd . heeeee , thanks una (;

sbelum clebrate at pntaii , kmi lepakk lpakk at ats qb dlu . snap-II pict ap sumaa . mmg best laaa . 
picture 1 (;
picture 2 (; 
 picture 3 (;
 picture 4 (;
 picture 5 : bersamaa una sygg (;
 picture 6 : bersama adekk lufiahh (;
 picture 7 : bersama adekk adieyla (;
 picture 8 : bersama bubu bubui (;
Bersamaa hubbie (;
# abaikan muka nad yg tak comell tho keyy . heheh (;

smlam rmai jgakk laa bdak fb yg tegur nadd , tpy rmai yg nadd tk kenal . ish . kesian depaaa . apalaaa nadd niyy . tak patot en . btw , soriee tau if nad tk tgur and tk bpea nk knall org . nadd niy tk bpea nk cham ngt org . tpy slalunyaa org yg slalu tgur nadd .. hehe :D # mcm hott plak aku niee :P pstffffffff : abaikan !

then dlam pkui 4 cmtho , kmi sumaa gerakk ke pntaii untk clebrate besday unaa . sbelum clebrate ad lagi pict yg kmi snapp . hehe . nak tngokk takkkk ? :D

haaaaaaaaaaaaa , tngokk lerrrrrrrrr (;
 cerahhnyaa . Hhah :D # burok muka nadd (;
 ohh , kamii <3 # syggg hmpaa (;
bersama abgg afaii # sila abaikan bdak gemok sbelah tho :D

okeyokeyy . pict ats niy sbelum clebrate . now korangg tngokk pict yg kytaa org da clebrate yaaa .
hehe . klau burok jgn gelakk yaa . # abaikan jiaa trus ! 

lawak dohh muka nadd , hehe :D # hmpaa mmg terbaekk (;

rmaii jgak yg hanggg smlam , and rmaii jgakk yg smbongg smlam .
btw , nadd ad snapp jgak pict dgn bdakk-II fb niyy . dpaa ajk , so nadd pouns okeyy jelaaa (;
* nadd mmg gilaa snapp :D


weee , heeepyy dpat meet dgn depaa sumaa .

btw , smlam hanggg mmg best thap cipan laaa . siapp maenmaen calet kek agy . hehe :D

thanks for readerrr , byebyeee <3

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